


Homepage of High Speed Network Lab.

Research Projects
A Pilot Study on Interactive CATV Protocols
A Study of Distant Cooperative Multi-Testbase System
A Study on High-Speed Wireless Data Communication Protocols
A Study on Return Channels and Internetworking for CATV Networks
MPEG ¢º Program Mux/Demux and Protocol Design over CATV
Research Publications
Broadband Service Creation and Operations.
Performance Analysis of Rate-based Flow Control under a Variable Number of Sources
A Virtual Educational Environment: Distant Teaching and Learning.
A Hierarchical Network Storage Architecture for Video-on-Demand Service.
PCUP : Pipelined Cyclic Upstream Protocol over Hybrid Fiber Coax.
PCUP - Pipelined Cyclic Upstream Protocol over Hybrid Fiber Coax.
Coral* : A Multi-server Distant Cooperative Learning System.
A Hierarchical Network Storage Architecture for Video-on-Demand Services.
Virtual Path Management in ATM Networks.
Alarm Correlation for Congestion Diagnosis in ATM Networks.
Thesis - WebCAT*¡ĞA Web-centric Multi-server Computer Assisted Testing System.
Thesis - Performance Evaluation of Pipelined Cyclic Upstream Protocol over Hybrid Fiber Coax.
Thesis - A Simulation Study of TCP Traffic Control over ABR Flow Control.
Thesis - Bandwidth Routing in Multi-hop Packet Radio Environment.
Thesis - Protocol Design and Implementation of Video-On-Demand Service over CATV.
Thesis - Medium Access Control Protocols over Hybrid Fiber Coax in Interactive CATV Network.
Thesis - Design and Implementation of MPEG¡Ğ¢º MUX/DEMUX and Transport Protocol over CATV Networks.
Thesis - A Network-Centric Computing Platform for Service Creation and Operations.
System Demonstration
Lab. Services
Network Adapter
Sound Adapter
Address Book
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Copyright © 1997 High Speed Network Lab.
Last modified: 08.19.1997