Bandwidth Routing in Multi-hop Packet Radio Environment.

Student: Yu-Ching Hsu
Advisor: Dr. Ying-Dar Lin

[Abstract] | [Download Postscript File]


In this thesis, we propose a bandwidth routing algorithm in a multihop packet radio environment, based on the DSDV algorithm with extension on bandwidth calculation. The network addressed in this thesis does not necessarily have a cellular structure and could have no fixed infrastructure. This network can be either stand-alone, or connected to the wired network such as ATM. Each mobile station has to relay packets for others, thus achieving multihop routing.

To emulate the cellular structure, we divide all the mobile stations into clusters. TDMA and CDMA protocols are used within a cluster and among clusters, respectively. In this algorithm, every mobile station builds a routing table with available bandwidth associated with each route. To calculate the available bandwidth of a path, it is incorrect to simply compute the minimum bandwidth of the links along the path. Additional consideration on the common free slots of these links is crucial in this multihop environment. We present three bandwidth calculation rules including half rule, floating rule and weighted rule. Numerical results are given to evaluate the performance of our QoS routing algorithm.