WebCAT*¡ÐA Web-centric Multi-server Computer Assisted Testing System.

Student: Wen-Chung Wu
Advisor: Dr. Ying-Dar Lin

[Abstract] | [Download Postscript File] | [Program Demonstration]


The distance between different individuals has been reduced dramatically due to the development of the Internet. One of the exciting things is that it makes distance learning possible. Being able to evaluate the performance of the students, a distant cooperative multi-testbase, computer assisted testing system over Internet¡XWebCAT* is developed in this study.

The WebCAT* is a Web-centric, multi-server system that combines the WWW, database and Internet together: all test items are stored in database located at each CAT server; users can access these materials via the Internet through a Web browser. The testbases of these CAT servers can be shared among each other in a way transparent to end users. Each test items in the WebCAT* is associated with degree of difficulty, domain and testbase it belongs to. Upon test generation, a test specification with test domain and max/min degree of difficulty is given to generate the test. A test has its items grabbed at random from all the available testbases automatically according to the specification. There are three major characteristics of this system: multi-testbase sharing, real-time test generation and result cross-analysis.

A case study using English exam with text and audio test items as an example is given at the end of this thesis. Feasibility of test-over-network is also discussed.
