
Interoperability of EFCI and ER Switches for ABR Services in ATM Networks

Yuan-Chen Lai, Ying-Dar Lin

IEEE Network, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 34-42, January/February 1998.

[Abstract] | [Download Postscript File]


With the advances in switching technologies, ER switches are becoming popular since they perform better than EFCI switches. In the transitional period, the EFCI and ER switches may coexist in the same ATM network. Hence the efficiency of various ER schemes should be re-evaluated in the mixed EFCI-ER environment, not only in the homogeneous ER environment. Also some important implications are observed in the heterogeneous environments.

Because the location of an ER switch in the topology is critical to its performance, some placement rules, which describe how to place the ER switches for the network operators, are developed in order to achieve a better performance of the network. In summary, the results presented here should serve as an operational reference for the service providers.


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