English Technical Writing

1. Title裡得第一個word應該擺最重要的字。
2. 主動V.S.被動: 請盡量使用主動。但若動作本身比作動作的人重要,則改用被動。
3. 動詞代替名詞: 如果有同義於名詞的動詞,請盡量使用動詞。
4. 重點放前面。
5. 各句之間要能夠連貫(Transition)。
6. 強而有力的動詞 比 is, are, was, has, make , take 好。
7. 不要用it is, there is, more and more, it is interesting。
請改用 interestingly, notably, increasingly。
8. 去掉重複用詞,口語用字。
9. 主詞與動詞的單複數呼應: A as well as B 要用is或are取決於A。
10. 使用代名詞要確定別人能清楚知道是指什麼。
11. 句子結構要有一致性, 尤其是用對等連接詞連接時。
12. 去除修飾語所造成的問題,要確定主詞確實可執行該動作。
13. 檢查錯誤的比較與疏漏。
14. 避免不必要的句中轉換。

1. 除了非得表達自己主觀意見之外,主詞儘可能避免用第一人稱,如We
2. 以分號區隔一串子句,最後兩項以,and(or)隔開。
3. 避免不必要的被動語態。能用主動語態就用主動語態。
4. 避免不清楚所指為何的代名詞。
5. 用字要精確,避免語意空泛的字。
6. 使用形容詞的比較級時,要有比較的對象。
7. 同一個句子中,避免語意重覆的贅字。
8. 兩個字組成一個形容詞時,中間應該加 - 。

1. 斜線“/” should be interpreted as “or”
Ex: He/She gets up early.
2. 一般來說數字超過十就用阿拉伯數字表示(though柯泰德說99以上)。
3. 如果是及物動詞,後面要記得接受詞。
4. 簡寫或專有名詞,如果第一個字的發音是母音,冠詞要用”an”,而不是”a”。
Ex: an SARS patient.
5. 如果句子太長,試著用分號將其切成兩個相關的句子。
Original: For a graph with n vertices, the maximum number of original tunnels is N, and hence when the graph is complete, the minimum number of tunnels after minimization is (n-1), which is the minimum number of edges required to keep a graph connected.
Revised: For a graph with n vertices, the maximum number of original tunnels is N; hence, when the graph is complete, the minimum number of tunnels after minimization is (n-1), which is the minimum number of edges required to keep a graph connected.
6. 如果用more的話,必須要註明跟甚麼比較。
Ex: However, such results cannot be generalized to today’s complex services which may require (more : This word is a comparative and so you must specify more than what? If no comparison is required, just write much) SRAM table accesses and computing power.

1. 更清楚的交代 介係詞(如in, with)所要表達的關係。
如(機制A) in (設計B)時,也許可以更清楚寫出是 (機制A) used in (設計B)
This work analyzes the approximation and smoothness of rate decision strategies used in the above three TFCC algorithms.
The strategy removes two attributes used in GAIMD which seriously destroys the short-term smoothness
2. (X) TCP increases one in CWND.
(O) The CWND of TCP increases by one.
3. 當講到「在哪方面」時, 用in term of 比用 on好.例如
The strategy used in GAIMD not only in term of the approximation, but also in term of smoothness.
4. 比較級要有比較對象,沒有就不要用.
(X) The first strategy uses the throughput equation derived based on the more general assumption.
5. 過多名詞組合在一起,在外國人眼中可能沒有關連
(X)The new equation yields no constant rate decision parameters.
(O)The new equation yields no constant parameters for deciding rate.
(X) window-based packet sending control
(O) window-based control of the sending of packets
(X) the rate decision with the pending epoch in GAIMD
(X) the making of decision about rate by the pending epoch in GAIMD
6. 避免不清楚的指示.
When the pending epoch is longer than usual, TEAR and TFRC attempt to decide the rate per round instead of per epoch. However, according to our simulation, such a method cannot fully recover their bias in the approximation of TCP mean rate.